Athletes are extremely aware of how their bodies perform on a day-to-day basis. Each individual athlete has his or her own specific regiment of prep that allows them to execute their activity at an optimal level. And when it comes to recovery, the faster an athlete can rehydrate, the better. Muscle recovery is delayed if a person is dehydrated. Replenishing fluids efficiently after a tough exercise routine can be tricky, however.

Luckily, IV therapy for muscle recovery provides a great solution because IVs bypass the GI tract allowing rehydration to happen at a faster rate. All of the nutrients in the drip are placed directly into the bloodstream. Getting fluids immediately into the bloodstream can offer an advantage when there’s little time available for rehydration, such as when a football player needs to get right back on the field after halftime.
OR, imagine a runner trying to quickly take in a whole gallon of water after a race. This feat would be near impossible, and the action may cause vomiting that would void the entire process. IV Therapy for muscle recovery allows for re-hydration to occur faster than manual, oral efforts.
Your body is made up of 70% water. Your blood, muscles, skin, bones are reliant on water. Water regulates your body temperature and lubricates your joints. It helps transport nutrients to give you energy and keep you healthy. If you’re not hydrated, your body can’t perform at its highest level. You may feel tired, have muscle cramps, dizziness, or other serious symptoms.
There are two options as to when an athlete would receive their IV therapy for muscle recovery.
Preventative Hydration is Used Before Activity
Hyperhydration via IV therapy or dedicated, intense oral hydration before extreme/intense activity can be used to lessen
fatigue and dehydration leading to nausea, vomiting, cramps and injury.
Post-Exercise IV Therapy for Recovery is Used After Activity
The goal to prevent soreness by improving muscle recovery and decrease downtime.
Both methods take care of the acute symptoms of dehydration and heat illness, restoring blood plasma volume and bringing down core and skin temperatures. They also decrease the levels of stress hormones and adrenaline.
Again, keeping the body hydrated helps your machine go, go go! Exercise capacity and exercise performance are reduced when the ambient temperature is high. This has mainly been attributed to the large sweat losses which lead to dehydration, a failure of thermoregulation, and eventually circulatory collapse.
Exercising athletes rarely drink enough before or during exercise
to replace the ongoing fluid losses, especially in hot conditions. Pre-exercise strategies include attempts to maintain euhydration but also to hyper-hydrate. In prolonged continuous exercise, fluid and carbohydrate (CHO) ingestion has clearly been shown to improve performance and post-recovery.
IV therapy for muscle recovery gets you ready for your next sporting event and after as well. Imagine feeling great before AND after you finish that marathon! Staying hydrated has other benefits as well, like
clearing skin, losing weight, mental health and overall feeling good. The human body is an incredible machine, and if you take care properly, the results will drive you to be a better you.
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