Vitamin Therapy for Dehydration

By Hydration Room June 2, 2021
Vitamin Therapy for Dehydration

Keeping hydrated is vital for the health of the human body. As the human body is made up of 60% water, dehydration starts to occur when we lose as little as 2% of that water. Once we enter a dehydrated state, various body functions start to slow down or weaken as a response. But why is water so important? What does it actually do inside our bodies?

Why Water Is Essential

Water is used to carry out many integral bodily functions. Without water these functions eventually become difficult or impossible and result in weakness and fatigue. Here are some of the functions we rely on water for

Regulates Temperature

One of the most common ways to lose water is through sweat. As we exert ourselves, our body produces sweat to combat our rising temperature. The sweat is then evaporated and cools the body down in the process.


After you’ve eaten, water helps break down food so you can better absorb its nutrients. Once the water and nutrients have been absorbed, water then transports the nutrients to relevant locations in the body.

Removes Waste and Toxins

Once our digestive and filtration systems isolate waste and toxins from the body, they are ejected in the form of water. Water is the vessel that stops waste and toxins from building up in the body.

Protects Your Organs

Like the thin layers of fat that surround your organs, water works to cushion your organs from impact damage. Water also protects your spinal cord and lubricates your joints.

Replenishes Blood

Blood acts as the highway in the human body. Nutrients and oxygen are primarily distributed through the bloodstream. Blood is over 90% water, making it vital to replenish lost blood and to continue delivering substances to the body.

Vitamin Therapy for Dehydration

The most suggested remedy for chronic dehydration is to drink more water, but sometimes that isn’t enough. Your body relies on a series of electrolytes to keep water in your body so it can be effectively used. There are three main electrolytes needed for effective vitamin therapy for dehydration.


If you’re having trouble staying hydrated, you may be suffering from a potassium deficiency. Potassium works to keep water in your body and is also responsible for muscle strength and function. Additionally, low potassium levels can cause you to feel fatigued or weak. Potassium vitamin therapy is one way to treat this cause of dehydration.


Sodium, also known as salt, has earned a bad reputation in the health community for being responsible for increased blood pressure and other negative side effects. This means many individuals are looking for low-salt or salt free food options by avoiding processed foods and added salt. However, sodium is necessary for retaining water and essential bodily functions. If you frequently exercise and don’t replenish your lost sodium levels, sodium vitamin therapy may be the ideal way to treat your dehydration.


Magnesium’s main function in the body is to keep other electrolytes, like potassium, in the body. Unlike potassium and sodium, magnesium deficiency is much more common as it is a less common ingredient in food. For individuals who are certain they consume the appropriate amounts of potassium and sodium, magnesium vitamin therapy may be the way to treat your dehydration.

Frequent dehydration can be the result of various vitamin and electrolyte deficiencies. Vitamin therapy is one solution that can prevent this type of dehydration. Even if you supply your body with ample amounts of water, it requires certain electrolyte levels to effectively use the water before it is passed out of the body. Vitamin therapy for dehydration can increase your electrolyte levels and help you stay hydrated.

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